Developer Rooms or Dev Rooms for short are special rooms that do not contain the regular puzzles but rather shows off the development process of the game, or how things work.
Laying The Foundation[]
In the center of the room there are four white walls blocking a inaccessible shaft down. There are Riot Balls in the center of the walls and when moving, parts of the walls are removed and eventually reappear. The wall closest to the "exit" door will reappear slower than the other walls. Moving side to side while controlling movement speed keeps the riot balls from traveling too far outside the walls and removes large amounts of the walls. Enough of the walls will eventually be removed to allow passage through and down the shaft. There are a few tips to make this easier:
- Try changing the resolution; the resolution is used in the random number generator algorithm used by the riot balls.
- Make sure to face the wall that regenerates slower.
- Controlling the riot balls with movement speed is the key.
- Filling the floor with a layer of cubes can help preventing a missed jump to get through, since the riot balls rarely remove the bottom of the walls.
Alternatively, create some small holes by running, then place some cubes inside. Now, as the wall is about to regenerate, drag a cube outside. If your timing is right you will move the white blocks outside the wall. You can even make the white cubes flow into the red disintegrator fields.
The Dev Room contains a flow chart which looks very similar to UDK kismet. Upon closer inspection, this appears to represent an edge detection algorithm; presumably this is the toon shader which gives the game its distinctive look.
Déjà Vu[]
Enter the room with the Movable Block behind an array of green cubes. At this point, the Dev Room can be seen, where the Matter Guns are visible. There is also an elevator to the left, which goes up when the mechanism block is released. Create a long enough Fuse from the origin of the mechanism block, and then release it and run onto the elevator. Now just follow the linear path to the room.
The room details the evolution of the matter gun's design.
Connecting The Pieces[]
At this puzzle, grab many blocks first. Then, use the Jump Pad to jump up the door or build a bridge to get to the door. Use 2 blocks to open the door and place many cubes. A tunnel filled with disintegrator fields is behind the door. Red disintegrator fields only occupy the sides of the tunnel, making it possible to guide the cubes through this area using the Yellow Matter Gun ability. Use another 2 blocks to open another door which will lead to a drop into the Dev Room below.
The room itself (presumably) showcases the game's portal system.
Hitting A Wall[]
The recommended strategy is to bring cubes from the previous puzzle, this makes getting to the Dev Room much easier. Use cubes to create elevation and build a bridge over the first bounce pad. Fall on the closer side of Hitting A Wall. (Alternatively, you can use cubes you brought with you to extend the wall in the middle upwards to break your bounce-pad jump.) Configure the puzzle such that there are no cubes placed on top of any laser beams. Use cubes to get up and over the glass barrier located in the middle of the room and then use the transporter window to enter the pictured area.
The room itself showcases the game's development cycle.
It is possible to get to the Dev Room without taking any cubes from the previous room. The alternative strategy is to do a precise jump onto the bounce pad. Stand close to the wall and bounce pad and jump forwards.
Many Different Angles[]
Face in the direction of the circle on the wall and walk backwards. Spin around and walk out the back of the cube. Walk around the outside and re-enter the cube from the front side again. After falling down into the green room, stand in the middle, look up, and jump. This transporter window teleports to the purple room with an elevator on the bottom. Standing in the middle of the purple room, look up at the laser beam and jump again, causing the elevator to go up. Getting to the top, look down again and the floor is now an eye wall. Falling down through the eye wall, use the green jump-pad to get up to the blue area above. From here it falls off into a grey cube with a sign in it. Exiting this this cube, there is a long shaft with a bounce pad at the bottom and a circle on the ceiling. Look up at the circle while falling and arrive at the pictured location.
The room displays map models of Three Paths In Sight, Finding The Seams, and Stuck in a Rut.
One Long Corridor[]
Walk down the corridor and then jump when the portal starts to appear. It does not matter which direction The Character faces.
This Dev Room resembles the game 'snake' because Alexander Bruce was creating snake when he made a coding error that caused him to think of a game like Antichamber.
Over The Edge[]
First, grab blocks from A Loop That Won't Close to build a bridge across. The next puzzle is complained by many players, because the game will most likely crash due to algorithm going out of control and trying to do more than one million iterations in a single frame. To counter that, make a smaller cube that is only 4 blocks wide, just enough to fill in the lasers. Once the door is open, walk towards the Dev Room.
This room allow displays how blocks appear, regenerate, multiply, are guided or placed under a wireframe perspective.
Failing Forward[]
Crossing the bridge in Failing Forward will unlock a sign. After reading the sign, turn around to be teleported to a new room. Solving the next series of puzzles (all of which are mostly movement-timing or physics based) will lead to a blank, white, empty Dev Room.