Laser Beams are straight, thin cylindrical energy beams that can be obstructed by Cubes or The Character. Laser beams are often used as a mechanism to detect changes to the environment in Puzzles and often open doors.
Inside Cube Detectors there is a small laser beam with the width of a single cube.
The green and blue lasers work very similarly. Both need either a cube or the player to be placed in the path of the laser beam in order to function. Green lasers often contribute to activating mechanisms when blocked, such as doors or elevators.
The blue and green lasers work very similarly. Both need a cube to be "blocking" the laser beam in order to function. In contrast to the green lasers, blue lasers are considered to be in the "active" state when not blocked by a cube.
The red lasers work differently from blue and green. Red lasers need to be "blocked" from both sides in order to bypass them without triggering them. Red lasers do not trigger from placing a cube in it's path.